1. 报到;
2. 开幕式及主论坛;
3. 分论坛学术报告会;
4. 实地考察及交流洽谈;
5. 返程。

1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的科学道德,自觉践行新时代科学家精神;
2. 年龄在40岁以下;
3. 在境外知名大学取得(或即将在未来一年内取得)博士学位,或在境内知名大学取得博士学位并在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构正式教学或者科研职位连续工作12个月以上;
4. 取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力;
5. 特别优秀者可不受上述条件2、3之限制。
1.有意参会的国内外优秀青年学者可登录官方网站注册报名。链接:https://talentsforum.hkust-gz.edu.cn/ ,或扫描下方二维码登录系统报名:

联 系 人:邓老师、吴老师
邮 箱:talentsforum@hkust-gz.edu.cn

【An Invitation】
2024 Talents Carnival
& The International Interdisciplinary Forum for Young Scholars
I. Introduction
The 2024 HKUST (GZ) Talents Carnival and the 1st Fusion·····Innovation·International Forum will be held in November. The event will take the form of a carnival to create a platform for global academic talents to connect, exchange ideas, and showcase the academic innovation and vitality of outstanding young scholars. It will also highlight the unique interdisciplinary academic structure of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) and its mission to lead the transformation of higher education.
We warmly invite young talents from around the world to participate, explore academic frontiers, and collaborate in driving innovation and development.
II. Activity Arrangements
(I) Format
The event will foster cross-disciplinary integration and collaboration between academia, industry, and research through a main forum, sub-forum presentations, interactive exchanges, field trips, and more.
The opening ceremony and sub-forums will be carried both online and offline, while other activities will take place offline.
(II) Date
November 18-21, 2024 (tentative)
(III) Location
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) - Nansha District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province - China
(IV) Schedule
1. Registration
2. Opening Ceremony and Main Forum
3. Sub-forum presentations
4. Field visits and exchanges
5. Departure
III. Research Areas
Key Areas
Function Hub (FUNH)
Thrust of Advanced Materials (AMAT)
Functional Polymer Materials
Bio-Engineering and Bio-Medical Materials
Optoelectronic Materials
Quantum Materials
Electronic Materials
Materials Informatics
Wearable Sensors
Materials Modeling and Computation
Thrust of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS)
Climate Adaptation and Resilience
Atmospheric Science
Earth And Urban System Science
Hydrology And Earth Surface Processes
Thrust of Microelectronics (MICS)
Computer Architecture And System
Circuits Technology
Electronic Design Automation
Device And Fabrication
Thrust of Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE)
Energy Storage
Efficient Energy Conversion
Bioinspired Propulsion/Energy
Digital Energy Technology
Carbon Capture and Conversion
Air Pollution Characterization and Control
Toxicity & Exposure Assessment
Information Hub(INFH)
Thrust of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI in Manufacturing
AI in Medicine
AI in Smart Cities
AI in Business
AI in Transportation
AI in Design
AI in Talent Management
AI in Scientific Research
AI in Finance
AI in Smart Living
AI in Security and Privacy
Thrust of Computational Media and Arts (CMA)
Data Visualization and Storytelling
Human-Computer Interaction
Game Development and Design
Computer Animation
Virtual Production
Intelligent Design
Thrust of Data Science and Analytics (DSA)
Data-driven AI & Machine Learning
Statistical Learning and Modeling
Industrial and Business Analytics (Operations-Related Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Strategy, etc.)
Sector-Specific Data Analytics (Healthcare, Finance, Insurance, Marketing, Manufacturing, Transportation, etc.)
Data visualization and Infographics
AI-driven Data Analytics
High-Performance Systems for Data Analytics
Thrust of Internet of Things (IoT)
Sensors, Embedded Systems
IoT Devices
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Optimization
Wireless Communications, Computer Networking, Distributed Computation and Systems
Security and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
Metaverse Technologies
Human-computer Interaction
IoT Applications
Systems Hub(SYSH)
Thrust of Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering (BSBE)
Molecular Cell Biology
Biomaterial Science
Chemical and Synthetic Biology
Bio-robotic systems
Thrust of Intelligent Transportation (INTR)
Big Data for Transportation and Mobility
Shared Mobility, Mobility as A Service (Maas)
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV)
Integrated Sensing; Communications and Computing For Transportation
Operation and Management of Urban Rail Transit Systems
Intelligent Port and Maritime Logistics
Urban Air Mobility System Design and Management
Transportation Electrification
Urban Computing and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
Low Altitude Space Economy
Thrust of Robotics and Autonomous Systems (ROAS)
Autonomous Robotic Systems
UUV, USV, and UAV Systems
Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Underwater, Offshore, Nearshore, Forest, and Agriculture
Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Construction and Social Infrastructure Maintenance
Biologically Inspired Robotics and Biomimetic Robots
Personal Assistive Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction
Robotic Manipulation and Grasping
Robot Learning, Embodied AI, and Swarm Intelligence
Robotic Arts
Thrust of Smart Manufacturing (SMMG)
Industry 4.0
Smart Sensors, Automated Optical Inspection, Location Detection Technologies
Multi-Axis Precision Machining
Additive Manufacturing and Hybrid Manufacturing
Industrial Data Analytics
Industrial Internet of Things
Integration of Embedded Systems
Advanced Human-Machine Interfaces
Micro-Nano Manufacturing
Human-Robot Collaborative Manufacturing
Society Hub(SOCH)
Thrust of Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change (CNCC)
Carbon Science and Technology
Climate Change and Governance
Sustainable Energy Transition
Climate Finance and Policy
Thrust of Financial Technology (FTEC)
Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts, Digital Currencies
Robo Advising, Quantitative Investing, Risk Management
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics in Finance
Technological Innovations for Financial Services
Regulatory Issues and Challenges in Fintech
Digital Economy and Financial Inclusion
Thrust of Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship (IPE)
Innovation and Intellectual Property Right Protection
Innovation and Technology Management
Innovation and Public Policy
Health Studies/Health Care Policy/Environmental Policies/Sustainability
Anti-Trust/Competition Policy
Experimental Economics and Decision Sciences
Entrepreneurship and Organization Theory
Entrepreneurship and Financial Management
Thrust of Urban Governance and Design (UGOD)
Education, Employment and Labor Markets
Population, Health, Ageing
GIS and Spatial Analysis
Transportation and Communication Infrastructure
Migration, Inequality, Social Inclusion
Regional and Urban Economic Development
Smart City
College of Education Sciences (CES)
Pillar of General Education (PGE): Humanities (Science Fiction Writing, History of Science and Technology, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Sociology of Science and Technology, Ethics of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Humanities, etc.), Social Sciences, Arts, Physical Education, etc.
Pillar of STEM Education (STEM): Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, etc.
Pillar of Cognitive Sciences (PCS): Psychology, neuroscience, brain science, learning science, cognitive science, higher education, curriculum, and pedagogy, etc.
Pillar of Language Education (PLE): English, Chinese, and other language education fields.
College of Future Technology (CFT)
Materials Science and Engineering, Sustainable Ecology and Industrial Chain, Internet of Things Application, Bio-engineering Technology, Low Altitude Economy, Body Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, Precision Machining, Intelligent Industrialization, Ocean Engineering, etc. Priority will be given to those who have in-depth understanding of the new engineering education or have relevant experience in the field.
IV. Conditions of Registration
1. Adherence to the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, commitment to scientific ethics, and the spirit of modern scientists.
2. Under the age of 40.
3. Hold (or be expected to hold within the next year) a Ph.D. from a prestigious overseas university or holding a Ph.D. from a well-known domestic university, with at least 12 consecutive months of formal teaching or research experience at an overseas university, research institute, or corporate R&D department.
4. Possess research or technical achievements recognized by experts in their field and demonstrate strong potential to become leading academics or outstanding talents in their disciplines.
5. Exceptionally qualified candidates may be exempt from conditions 2 and 3.
V. Registration and Participation
1. Outstanding young scholars from China and abroad who are interested in participating in the conference can register through the link:, or scan the QR code below: https://talentsforum.hkust-gz.edu.cn/

Please complete and submit your application materials in the system by October 13, 2024, 12:00 PM (China Standard Time, CST).
2. The university will review the applicants profile and send invitation letters to those who meet the requirements.
3. Invited scholars will be supported by the university for their round-trip travel (international and domestic) and accommodation during the carnival.
4. Invited scholars will arrive at the university as per schedule specified in the invitation letter.
VI. Contact Information
Ms. Deng: +86-020-88338078
Mr. Wu: +86-020-88338082
Talent Services Department: talentsforum@hkust-gz.edu.cn

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)) is the first cooperative educational institution between Chinese mainland and Hong Kong SAR with independent legal person status established since the implementation of the state-initiated development plan for the Greater Bay Area comprising Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau and the overall Nansha-based plan for promoting globally-oriented comprehensive cooperation between the three regions. It was officially approved by the Ministry of Education of China in June 2022. HKUST(GZ) is dedicated to innovation, with a focus on interdisciplinary development and the construction of innovative talent cultivation models. It aims to become a model for the integrated development of education between the mainland and Hong Kong, and a global top-tier university, committed to cultivating high-level innovative talents for the future.
Click the links below to the university’s Official Website and WeChat Official Account for more information.
Official Website:
WeChat Official Account: